Damian Hall - Holding true to your values

"My goal of running has changed, now it's how can I use running to share a message and leave a better planet for my kids"

For our first full episode we talk to elite ultra runner and environmental activist Damian Hall and catch up with him about his epic run at the Barkley Marathons, where he completed 4 out of 5 loops - one of only 19 people ever to do so.

We talk about what makes him come alive, and how he made huge changes to his life since becoming aware of the extent and urgency of the climate crisis. We talk about his sense of compromise, especially when he's just travelled internationally to the US to race and about what he's done practically to reduce his footprint, and how we as individuals should approach this ourselves.


Our Go-Do this week is all about defining our values, and taking some time this week to think about this and write them down. You can find the list of values we refer to here.

You can find out more about Damian Hall at www.greenrunners.com


Alex O’Gorman - Life long learning in the serivce of others

